Erik Zaadi

The tales of a coding manager addicted to dad jokes

Startup weekend Haifa (2011)

Last week, a Startup Weekend event took place in Haifa.

Being somewhat of an addict to Startup Weekend, I attended.

Although the location was a bit smaller and less equipped than the previous Startup Weekends in Tel-Aviv (Yaffo), the organizers worked hard to make it a fun and enjoyable experience.

I pitched an idea there that didn’t get enough votes unfortunately, although I had a lot of positive response from people.

I joined a team called VideoChef, with some really great people.

You can see the presentation here  and the final site (although there’s no live video now of course) here.

It was a lot of fun as usual, however I really got the feeling that there weren’t enough hackers at the event.

Surprisingly enough, there were plenty talented designers there, which at previous events was more rare.

There were PLENTY Business Devs / Marketeers there, even more than enough..

I had an interesting conversation with Microsoft rep at the event, and I asked a lot of questions about Windows 7 Phone, where most of the answers where :

No that’s still not possible, but soon it’ll be available

I got a peculiar answer when I asked if Microsoft takes interest in Mono, and if so, do they encourage usage of Mono :

I’m prevented from answering that

Of course that’s just one specific Microsoft rep, and not necessarily the official response..

Anyhuze, waiting for the next Startup Weekend at Tel-Aviv or even better, Jerusalem..

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