Erik Zaadi

The tales of a developer with passion for dad jokes

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Jenkins on Nginx - Fixing artifacts downloading problem For those of you using Nginx to proxy Jenkins, be sure to copy the updated nginx server config from the wiki page I added some proxy buffer specific parameters that fixes artifact downloading..
Connecting Jenkins to self signed certificated servers I’ve recently needed to connect our Jenkins CI server to several internal servers such as Jira and IRC (Fun post coming soon on Jenkins@IRC..). The problem with these servers are that their SSL certificates are selfsigned. This causes Jenkins to fail when connecting to the servers with the following error (Which you can see in the Jenkins log): 1 2 3 4 PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target To solve the problem, instead of going through Java keysigning hell, download JavaSSL.
The small things Lately I’ve been going deeper and deeper down the nix rabbit hole at my new work. The deeper I go, the more I undestand what a nix n00b I am. I’ve had so many OMG/AHA! moments, and it reminds me a bit of the period I (re)discovered the Mac, and when my journey of the open source world began. Here’s a small example that’ll make anyone with nix experience chuckle, since it’s so basic:
Automating Egged Bus Wifi Connection On my commute to work I travel by bus, with wifi. It’s one of those wifi’s you have to open a browser and click on some license agreement in order to connect. After agreeing, the browser is redirected to a page filled with commercials, earning yet another referral point to the company that set up this wifi. Annoying as it might seem, this is not the end of the world, as you overcoming it by clicking is not that bad.
Making the touchpad work with two finger swipes on ubuntu 10.10 installed on a Lenovo laptop Once you’ve tried a mac, it’s hard to use a touchpad without multitouch capabilities. On Ubuntu 11.04 this should work out of the box, but the script below will allow you to control the settings better than the UI. Save this script somewhere on your disk: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 #!/bin/sh sleep 10 xinput --set-prop --type=int --format=32 "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Two-Finger Pressure" 4 xinput --set-prop --type=int --format=32 "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Two-Finger Width" 8 # Below width 1 finger touch, above width simulate 2 finger touch.
Times they are a changin It took over a year for the idea to boil up inside of me until I finally reached the decision. 3 1/2 months ago it hit me, I finally understood that I wanted to leave XMPie. Before I started to look elsewhere, I notified my superiors, as I wanted to make sure that someone good would replace me. It saddens me a bit that until now, two days before I leave, we didn’t find any adequate recruit to take my place.
Node.js Frontend Fu (node-fe-fu) As you might have noticed from my previous post, My geekadellic franzy about node.js is reaching new peaks.. I’ve created a small node.js module to be used not as a web server, but more as an aid for developing frontend applications regardless of the backend technology used. What the module does is: Searches for .less files, parses them, and saves two copies of the file: E.g. css/main.less Will be transformed into css/main.
Node.js - Much more than a webserver I’ve started to play around with Node.js lately, and it’s amazing. Without to much effort, I hacked up a script that parses my .less files to css and minifies them, furthermore, the script minifies my javascripts with uglify-js. The node js automagically runs when I save a .less/.js file, and notifies me via growl notifications if it’s succesful or not.. The ease of setting this up, and the fact that it works flawless both on the Mac and Ubuntu blowed me away.
Install script to run mvc 3 with Razor on nginx at a OpenSuse server Well, the title kind of says it all ;) For the git lovers out there clone, or simply download the zip from and unzip it. Then run : sudo sh ./ And voila, a couple of minutes later, you should be able to access your server via http to get some GUID-alicios Razor driven content! To deploy your application: Delete the directory "/srv/www/monodocs/default" Copy your application to "/srv/www/monodocs/" and rename your folder name to “default” Copy the file “Default.
You know you are a geek when you have a site for your wedding, and even more when there are easter eggs at the site as well. Whoa that was a long title. I’ve been rather busy lately with preparations for our wedding, you know, find a location, get a suit, build a website for the wedding, lose the beer belly and such. Oh yea, you caught me, I couldn’t resist it. I actually did a full scale cross media campaign for the wedding, with the initial excuse that it would save me and my bride to be some time and effort with counting and verifying the RSVPs of our invitees.