2010-01-09 | 1min
Using Mvc user controls from another controller —
I needed to use a user control from a different controllers folder in a view.
Should be easy I thought, there’s probably an overload for the Html.RenderPartial that with the controller name.
Unfortunately, that’s not the case.
If you look at the solution layout below:
I needed to user the OtherControl.ascx
from the Home controllers views.
Passing only the user control name to the Html.RenderPartial
won’t work, and you’ll end up with an error like this:
2009-12-26 | 0min
The beauty of the desert —
A bit off topic perhaps, but I have to admit, I love the
2009-12-22 | 2min
Asp.Net MVC Exception Handling with jQuery —
I stumbled upon this
excellent post by Sumit : http://2leggedspider.wordpress.com/2009/12/22/handling-exceptions-using-jquery-and-asp-net-mvc/
I thought the idea was great, but the fact that you need to parse it as JSON bothered me.
Since the information needed is only the status code, stack trace and error message, it seemed more appropriate for me to use the existing http response parts that are designed to pass those values.
For the impatient:
Demo | Source
[Update] Altered the code with @Neal, and @Colin’s feedback..
I created a filter that inherits the default [HandleError]
2009-12-06 | 1min
Blog Migration – Part – 4 – Connecting Windows Live Writer to the AtomSite blog —
Previous Posts : 1 | 2 | 3
This post took me a while to get together, it’s actually the first blog post I’m writing from Windows Live Writer on this blog..
To be able to write and manage posts efficiently, you need to connect with a good desktop program, with offline capabilities such as preview, saving drafts etc.
Windows Live Writer is the perfect application for me, as unfortunately I don’t get to spend much time on the Mac side of life..
2009-11-25 | 1min
Blog Migration - Part 3 - Exporting Posts From Blogger To Atomsite —
Previous Parts : 1, 2
Blogger are awesome in many ways, but if there’s one feature missing, it’s a way to import/export to other blog engines.
BlogML is a standard that several other blog engines are starting to support.
AtomSite supports BlogML integration from version 1.3 (Note: This is not the version shipped in the web platform installer).
I used a superb tool called BlogExporter, which exported all of my posts, comments and tags from my Blogger account to a nice little XML file.
Unfortunately, this XML file can not be imported as is to AtomSite, it needs a bit of massaging..
2009-11-22 | 1min
Blog Migration - Part 2 - Temporary Pages —
Previously : Part 1 - Setting up
After getting my self my little virtual corner on the webospere, it was time to get some content up before getting all the final sites up.
- “No 404 for me”
A small "Under construction" [page](http://demos.erikzaadi.com/misc/firstRoot/) ,with a typical 90's under construction gif look
- Linking my existing (sub)sites: I added two CNAME records:
Blogger Account : http://blogger.erikzaadi.com =>
Project Pages : http://projects.erikzaadi.com =>
- Setting up the root of the site:
I started to throw together a small asp.net mvc project for the [root](http://demos.erikzaadi.com/firstMVCRoot) of the site, both to test the hosting server's MVC and DB capabilities.
Besides overdoing the grey gradient theme to death, I think I exaggerated a bit with the fly thing at the [404](http://demos.erikzaadi.com/firstMVCRoot/NonExistingURL) and [ErroraPage](http://demos.erikzaadi.com/firstMVCRoot/Home/ThrowOne).
- Getting the blog working
I installed [AtomSite](http://atomsite.net) on http://blog.erikzaadi.com and started playing around a bit with the theme.
Again, as you can see, I'm still with the grey gradient look (will I ever grow tired of it?).
Stick around for the next post, which will be about migrating my blogger posts into the AtomSite powered blog.
2009-11-17 | 1min
Blog Migration - Part 1 - Setting Up Domain and Hosting Server —
Part 2
This is the first part in a series I’ll be doing, describing
the process I went through while migrating my blogger
blog to a hosted blog with the atomsite blog engine.
Why migrate my blog you ask?
Well, although Google offers blogger as one of their great free services, I wanted more control, and to have the blog engine in a programming language that I’m a bit more fluent with.
2009-10-27 | 1min
Google Analytics.NET —
Prelude [skip]
I’ve been using Google Analytics for a while now, both for this blog and my projects site, and as many others I think the service is great.
While creating my project site, I wanted to make sure that the site had graceful degradation, especially that the site would be accessible without javascript.
This introduced a new problem for me, even though visitors with javascript disabled where able to see the site rendered, their visits where not tracked in Google Analytics.
2009-10-20 | 2min
jQuery Console Plug-in —
A typical scenario for me when I start a new web site, is to include JavaScript snippets from previous sites.
I usually get to a stage where need to solve problem that think I’ve solved before.
Then, after a dark era for about 5 minutes of trying to actually remember when and where the solution is, I copy it to the new site.
Each time I keep telling myself that I need to create some kind of template for those typical snippets I always end up adding.
2009-10-09 | 0min
Update - jQuery Print Element Plugin version 1.0 Released —
Thanks to John and David for their contribution and valuable input.
Version 1.0 has no new groundbreaking features, mostly bug fixes (see changelog).
There’s a new documentation page explaining the available options, and a new sample page as well.
As always, any feedback will be much appreciated, either as comments here at the blog, as an issue at the issues section, or a bug report at the official jQuery plugin page.